Saturday, December 28, 2019
Here are 22 of the best day-to-day, time-saving tips to use now
Here are 22 of the best day-to-day, time-saving tips to use nowHere are 22 of the best day-to-day, time-saving tips to use nowIve been testing and adjusting various productivity techniques for the past five years, read lots of books (fruchtwein of them repeating) and heres some of my findingsIts not about time. Its about energyWe try to squeeze as many hours in one work day, to be productive, but in the end everything depends less on time, and more on your focus, motivation and overall well-being (all of them linked directly with energy levels).Looking for an inspiring way to start your day? Sign up forMorning MotivationIts our friendly Facebook ? that will send you a quick note every weekday morning to help you start strong. Sign up here by clicking Get StartedIve recently talked about my productivity techniques obsessions in an internal presentation at Grapefruit, and the resulting presentation is on SlideshareProductivity pornSome of the key findingsDecide whats importantbecause i n five years, 80% of what you do today will not turn into anything. Its just busywork, no useful outcome.Sleep, food and exercisecan help you triple your outcome, because they increase focus, motivation and energy levels.The 2-minute rule if you can do something (like replying to an emaille, or a house chore) in two minutes, do it now. Planning it for later, remembering it, doing it in the future will take 5 minutes or more.The 5-minute rule the biggest cure against procrastination is to set your goal not to finish a scary big hairy task, but to just work five minutes on it. Youll find out that most times it continues well beyond the five minutes, as you enter a flow state.Seinfelds productivity chain if you want to be good at something, do it every day. Including on Christmas, Easter and Judgement Day. No exceptions.Tiny habits(Tiny Habits w/ Dr. BJ Fogg), highly linked with the five-minute rule, helps you create good habits quickly. It works, I tested it.Your memory sucks. Get eve rything out of your head, even if youre a genius. Write it down in a notebook, put it in your todo-list app, on your phone, talk to Siri, I dont care.As few tools as possible. Ive tested most of the todo managers and finally stayed withCultured Codes Things app and Google Calendar (iCal is ok, but Google Calendar integrates well with Gmail, my default client). It doesnt matter what you use (pen paper are fine) if you understand the next rule.Routine beats tools. You need discipline, and this means for me two things I plan my day first thing in the morning, and I write a short daily log every day. This helps me stay sane, prioritize well, scrap useless tasks, and do what matters. This saves me hours.Pomodoros.Thats timeboxing- for 30 minutes do only the task at hand. Nothing else no phones, email, talking to people, Facebook, running out of the building in case of fire. Nothing else.Always wear your headphones. You dont have to listen to music, but it will discourage people to appro ach you.Email scheduling and inbox zero. Dont read your email first thing in the day, dont read it in the evening (it ruined many evenings for me), and try to do it only 3 times a day at 11am, 2pm and 5pm. And your email inbox is not a todo list. Clear it every message should be an actionable task (link it from the todo app), a reference document (send to Evernote or archive), or should be deleted now.Same thing for phone calls.Dont be always available. I always keep my phone on silent, and return calls in batches.Batch small tasks.Like mail, phones, Facebook etc.MI3. Most important three tasks (or the alternative one must three should five could). Start with the most important first thing in the morning.Willpower is limited. Dont think that willpower will help you when you get in trouble. Make important decisions in the morning and automate everything possible (delegate, batch etc.). US presidents dont have to choose their menu or suit color everyday- otherwise their willpower wi ll be depleted at that late hour when they should push (or not push) the red button).The most powerful thing. Always ask yourself what is the most powerful thing you can do right now. Then apply rule 4.Ship often. Dont polish it too much- as they say in the startup world, if youre not ashamed of your product, youve launched too latePressure can do wonders. Use rewards or social commitment. Weve recently done this with the newGrapefruitwebsite. The previous one took two and a half years to launch. The new one took two and a half days and we did it over one hackathon weekend (+Monday).Scheduled procrastination.Your brain needs some rest, and sometimes that new episode fromArrowcan do wonders that the smartest TED talk wont.Delete. Say No. Ignore. Dont commit to schedules.I love the last one, its from Marc Andreessen, because it allows him to meet whomever he wants on the spot. A lot of people will hate you for this, but youll have time to do relevant stuff. Do you think youll regret t hat in 20 years, or doing something for someone you dont really care about, just to be superficially appreciated.Fake incompetence. Its a diplomatic way to apply the previous rule.Thats it for now. My procrastination break is over, Im going back to work.This article first appeared on
Monday, December 23, 2019
How to Be Your Offices Favorite Millennial
How to Be Your Offices Favorite MillennialHow to Be Your Offices Favorite MillennialStereotyping a group of people based on anything is categorically unacceptable, unless that anything is generational and unless you are talking about Millennials (those between the ages of 18-35), and then it seems okay to call them lazy, entitled, self-absorbed, coddled, even delusional. How is this fair?According to Pew Research Center, the first quarter of 2015 saw the number of Millennials in the American workforce surpass Generation X (ages 35-50) with Baby Boomers (51+) rapidly retiring, Millennials now represent mora than one in three employees in the US. Thats a significant percentage of the workforce to be badmouthing.Its daunting to be a recent college graduate trying to fit into the new reality of professional life when you know that negative press abounds but those associations are changing as your generation and its hallmark ways of doing business are becoming more widely understood and v alued.The trailblazers among your contemporaries have exhibited real grit in weathering the unflattering press that has followed your generations professional maturation. Perhaps the hazing period is over increasingly positive descriptions are surfacing about Millennials, those enterprising entrepreneurs poised to help dislodge the modern workplace from its 9-5 funk with their fluid technological know-how and commitment to making a difference in the world.So how do you capitalize on this positivity and avoid the mistakes that got other Millennials categorized so negatively? Consider these simple strategies to forge satisfying relationships among your colleagues and secure your status as everyones favorite Millennial in the office.ListenAbsorb your new culture, and show your colleagues how excited you are to be there. Make it your mission to remember your co-workers names and as much as you can about their work and their lives.Refrain from always carrying your phone with you, especia lly when you are still learning the ropes. Continually glancing at your phone is a nervous habit, and it comes off as rude or disinterested. Body language matters, and lack of interest is not the message you are trying to send.For the first couple of weeks in your new environment you want to be as be as fully present as possible, not just to make a good impression but also for your own saketo open yourself up to this new experience.Communication is keyPhone calls and face-to-face meetings are probably not your preferred modes of communication. Although you may interact with your personal network exclusively through chat, the diversity of people in your office plus workplace norms might mean you need to open yourself up to email, phone calls and in-person meetings.While it may seem uncomfortable to drop by someones office when you can more efficiently send a text, impromptu conversations build relationships and get work done. A meeting accomplishes what can take a slew of text messag es. It is a great way to brainstorm, plan and delegate. Face-to-face meetings have a value that electronic interactions simply dont.Awkwardness stems from nervousness, and it can be practiced away. Sure, you may be inviting some uncomfortable moments by putting yourself out there, but the more you do it, the more you will hone strategies to smooth out those rough edges. Set up informational meetings and lunches in your first couple weeks on the job. It will build bridges.Invite others perspectivesCultivate relationships with your colleagues. Even if they are older than you and their lives are different than yours, there is always common ground such as music, animals, sports, books, etc. Find some area of shared interest upon which to build a basic relationship so that you can figure out who you really click with and who you trust. Then when the time comes to talk about what you really need to discuss your workplace you know that you have an ally and eventually, perhaps, a mentor.A trusted mentor can help guide you through the day-to-day realities of work. The professional world is totally different than the university. You are expected to proactively produce. Your boss wont be proud of you if you do your job. A boss simply expects that of you. A mentor can help bridge the emotional gap between college and the professional world. She or he can give you the inside track on cultural mores and expectations that you are still learning and help you to fit in more comfortably.Work relationships are wonderful. In addition to serving a very necessary function, they enhance your life by giving you the chance to build relationships outside of your peer group. Its a win-win.Do your time patientlyGet comfortable working your way up. No matter how smart or educated you are, it takes time to get acclimated to the professional world. Being humble about that will win you favor in the professional world. You are new to this realm, so there should be no task that is beneath yo u. Help out wherever you can. Volunteer to do the grunt work when it helps out your team. Few players jump on a team and go right to the star role, and the most celebrated stars are the ones who enhance the experience for the whole team. If you want to build solid relationships with your team, you have to sweat a little bit, but it will be worth it. Being on a team that functions well together and produces high-quality work is fun and satisfying.Be reliableYou want the members of your team to know they can count on you. Dont show up late, take long lunches, excessive sick time or bend the rules until you know what your work culture tolerates. Show your colleagues that you have a solid work ethic. There may be room for flexibility, and as you understand the culture you will learn how to use that benefit, but show your dependability first. Cutting corners looks bad. Avoid doing it if you want your colleagues to take you seriously.Millennials are proving themselves left and rightYour g eneration is full of hardworking and enterprising people. You have nothing to apologize for. You and your contemporaries are an asset to the workforce.Work requires diplomacy, patience and discipline. Hone those skills, and as you work your way up you will be able to enjoy greater flexibility and creativity in the positions to which you advance. Those are job perks that usually come later in ones career, and you will earn them too, once you do your time.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How Engineers Can Improve Technical Writing
How Engineers Can Improve Technical Writing How Engineers Can Improve Technical Writing Even though engineers are technical people, that doesnt necessarily mean they are good technical writers.Technical writing involves two key competencies, indicates Atul Mathur, a professional engineer and technical copywriter in Singapore. The first is the ability to understand technical language the second is being able to express that knowledge in a clear, concise, and coherent manner.Dan Jones, a professor of English at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, who offers technical writing workshops to engineering groups, doesnt believe technical writing or any kind of writing for that matter, comes naturally to anyone, he says. Some people are better writers than others, but their skills are typically acquired over a long period of time with much practice and hard work.Even so, engineers do have some advantages when it comes to technical communication. They are detail-oriented, bright, dem anding, and not intimidated by levels of technicality. They want to know how and why something works, but like students in other college majors, they face similar challenges in communicating this technical knowledge clearly and effectively, says Jones.Modular Writing Since the Great Recession, every business is trying to do mora with less. For engineers, this means training budgets have been slashed and they have to produce an increasing number of written documents themselves.These include trip reports, proposals, status reports, meeting minutes, reports documenting site visits, and lab experiments, states Gary Blake, director of the Communication Workshop in Great Neck, NY, and author of The Elements of Technical Writing. In my 25 years of teaching seminars in technical writing, I have met very few engineers who are comfortable with using simple language, organizing documents for the readers benefit, keeping sentences and paragraphs short, and getting to the point.One method of dea ling with the increased volume of reporting is modular writing. Many companies are moving away from individually authored technical documents to team-authored modules of information.These moduleseach reduced typically to single topicsare then reused in a wide variety of company documents, says Jones. One technique is Darwin Information Typing Architecture, or DITA. This modular writing, once successfully implemented, can save a company thousands of dollars in documentation costs.Sometimes engineers try to circumvent technical writing by misusing PowerPoint and other presentation software, overloading technical presentations with data instead of explaining what it means in clear and concise language.I just worked with a group of 30 engineers to help them make more effective technical presentations, says Jones. PowerPoint as a medium is designed for simplicity with, ideally, the individual slides serving as prompts for the speaker, not as handouts for the audience. But many technical professionals crowd far too much information on almost every slide. And, in many cases, various company protocols or practices require them to provide all of this information in this manner.Simplicity in ComplexityEngineers often find it difficult to communicate their technical knowledge to audiences that have less technical backgrounds. For example, engineers must write reports and convey the essential technical details for managersoften a tough challenge because many managers dont understand the technology.The greatest issue is the inability to see simplicity in complexity, says Mathur. How can they strip away the complexity of a process or system and present it in a way that others can understand, with minimum effort? After all, technical writing is not just about language skillsits also about how we think.There is no substitute for trainingone-on-one, webinar, seminar, or having instant access to a subject expert or mentor. A webinar has the advantage of being inexpensive and co nvenient. A team or department of engineers take a 90-minute online class that reviews writing samples, gives writing exercises, answers questions, and offers future access to an instructor, says Blake.Technical communication is essential for career advancement for all technical professionals.Mastering the content of a discipline is, of course, important, but this subject expertise becomes much more valuable and marketable if you know how to communicate your subject expertise to a variety of audiences in numerous kinds of technical documents and technical presentations, says Jones.Mark Crawford is an independent writer.The greatest issue for engineers is the inability to see simplicity in complexity- how can they strip away the complexity of a process or system and present it in a way that others can understand.Atul Mathur, a professional engineer and technical copywriter
Friday, December 13, 2019
Watch your thoughts for they become your destiny
Watch yur thoughts for they become yur destinyWatch yur thoughts for they become yur destinyWatch yur thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become your character.And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.- Frank OutlawWhat we think, we become.Reality is elend neutral. We are always passing judgment on what happens around us. You and I can face the same fest, yet will react differently - our thoughts shape our reality, bedrngnis the other way around.Thats why most people suggest we think positively - it has become an oversimplified approach to make us feel better.Be positive can be terrible advice.Telling someone whos sad or depressed that positive thoughts will change their mental state, can be detrimental. Similarly, being overly optimistic can blind our reality.Positive thinking is not what you think. We must embrace our whole self, not just the bright side.The color of your soulThe soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. - Marcus AureliusOur society loves black or white assessments - you are either an optimist or a pessimist.Labels are a heavy burden - we get stuck in one place, rather than exploring our possibilities. Our self is fluid. We all have positive or negative thoughts or positive and negative moments.Pretending to be always happy is harmful. We focus on one aspect and fail to landsee our blind spots. Labeling oneself as a negative person doesnt help either - we overplay our dramas and become victims of self-pity.Research shows that optimists perceive less stress because either they are better able to cope with adversity or because of their positive view. However, when facing severe challenges, optimists suffer a lower immune response than pessimists.Curiously, a strong belief in hope can make optimists think they can achieve anything they want to, just by trying hard. This perfectionist view can lead to unrealisti c expectations - positive thinking cant make everything come true.We are not our thoughts, because they are always changing. Understanding our fluid nature is critical to continue growing - we are work in progress, not a finished product.Bad thoughts are harmful - they create mora suffering. However, avoiding our negative emotions wont make them go away.The problem with optimismTheres nothing wrong with negative emotions. We all have them. They are a fundamental parte of who we are - emotions express our basic intelligence and energy.Positivity is a fluid state, not a status. You are not either positive or negative. Overplaying one aspect is deceiving - you must embrace your entire self.In America, optimism has become almost like a cult, the social psychologist Aaron Sackett told Psychology Today. Or, as another American psychologist added, In this country, pessimism comes with a deep stigma.Optimism has become a pervasive dogma. Pessimism gets a badeanstalt rap, but positive t hinking can be brutally enforced.Its gotten to the point where people really feel pressure to think and talk in an optimistic way, observes B. Cade Massey, a professor of organizational behavior.Masseys research shows that, when asked to forecast the outcomes of events such as a financial investment or a surgical procedure, people make overly optimistic predictions. And wish to be even mora optimistic. Many of us have drunk the positivity Kool-Aid - We believe optimism is the solution for all our problems.Im not advocating in favor or against optimism, but to break free from labeling ourselves. A positive approach to life requires embracing both sides rather than living in an exaggerated - positive or negative - fantasy.Happiness is a state of mind, not something we acquire. We spend more time contemplating whats missing in our lives rather than what we have. Thats why we suffer.You are what you think you areThe mind is everything. What you think you become. ? BuddhaConnecting to your emotions allows you to respond without reacting - you dont let judgments or preconceptions shape your behavior. Instead, you decide to explore and understand your emotions - you feed compassion and wisdom, not anger.Your thoughts define your reality.The problem with idealizing positive thinking is trying to hide the negativity within us. Bringing a positive spin to what happens is not enough. You must confront and accept all your emotions. And understand how they shape your version of reality.Theres a difference between our imagined experience in here and whats going on out there.As Domyo Burk said, For me, there is no reality out there, separate from my mind I will never be able to perceive a thing without the involvement of my mind. And what is the use of any reality out there that cant ever be perceived? In a sense, reality is born as we perceive it.That doesnt mean theres no objective reality. But that our reality lies in the intersection between an object (an event) and a subject (we).Buddhism has an interesting view of the relationship between positive mind states and reality. It acknowledges the effect of positive thinking on our subjective experience - Its more pleasant to feel relaxed than upset. If we consciously transform the way we relate to an experience, we can change its nature.Positive thinking is not doing something to make you feel better, but to stop fighting reality - both positive and negative.Change your reality with positive thinkingThe way we experience something is determined by what we think about it. Positive thinking is helpful. But it only works if you accept your entire reality, not just the bright side. Self-acceptance is our foundation - we can build a stronger life.The Greek philosopher Epictetus realized this 2,000 years ago when he said, People are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things. When therefore we are hindered, or disturbed, or grieved, let us never att ribute it to others, but to ourselves that is, to our own principles.Say a car cuts you off when you are driving on a highway. The driver was probably in a hurry and didnt notice you. It could have caused an accident. How would you react?Its normal to get upset or feel attacked - your own self-concern arises, and you want to fight back. Instead, you could try to take some emotional distance and avoid reacting. Imagine you are the driver who cut someone else off. Would you like the person to get mad at you or to be patient and forgiving?By putting ourselves in someone elses shoes, we avoid being taken by negativity. Empathy provides room for understanding reality rather than reacting to it.Life is full of possibilities - you cant control what happens to you, but you can manage how you react.Albert Ellis, the father of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, discovered that how we react to an event is determined mainly by our view of the incident, not what happened. He believed that peop le dont just get upset but contribute to their upset-ness.Ellis said, Too many people are unaware that it is not outer events or circumstances that will create happiness rather, it is our perception of events and of ourselves that will create, or uncreate, positive emotions.Blaming never helps it just feeds negativity. Epictetus believed that those who are perfectly instructed would place blame neither on others nor on themselves. Being in charge of our life requires commanding our emotions.Let your destiny define your thoughtsThe mind is an interesting, powerful ally - mindfulness helps us become more familiar with ourselves.According to Thich Nhat Hanh, accepting our emotions is key to practice mindfulness correctly In mindfulness, one is not only restful and happy but alert and awake. Meditation is not evasion it is a serene encounter with reality.The Vietnamese monk and peace activist believes that many of us have the wrong idea about what happiness is. We think that we need to be positive all the time, but happiness is about being present. We appreciate the here and now.We all need stars to help us navigate our darkest nights. Your lifes purpose provides clarity, so you dont crash when navigating troubled waters. It helps your mind steer in the right direction. And reach your destiny.Your life purpose should define your thoughts, not the other way around.No matter how negative your reality, your purpose gives you the strength to keep moving forward. It provides a positive outlook. Your purpose brings meaning to your life. When you control your destiny, you control your thoughts.As Albert Ellis said, The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.The most meaningful purpose of life is to be helpful, not happy.People who are generous, who genuinely try to help others are more likely to succeed. Generos ity doesnt empty but fills your tank. As Buddha said, Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.Having a positive approach to life doesnt mean being overly optimistic. We must become the best version of ourselves, not a fantasy. Our purpose is to do the best we can, given a set of circumstances and our current dispositions, as Isabelle Payette wrote here.Our life will always have both positive and negative experiences. We can choose to add more negativity. And create more suffering. Or we can accept life as is. Its on us to build our own heaven or hell.- - - Positive thinking is not magical thinking - accepting our whole self makes us more self-reliant. Embracing your negative side will help you become more patient and tolerant. It makes it easier to see the good within you and others.Watch your thoughts because they become your destiny. Better indeed, watch your destiny, and y our thoughts will help you get there.Gustavo Razzetti is a change instigator that helps organizations lead positive change. Author, Consultant, and Speaker on team building and cultural transformation.This article first appeared on Medium.Watch your thoughts for they become your destinyWatch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become your character.And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.- Frank OutlawWhat we think, we become.Reality is not neutral. We are always passing judgment on what happens around us. You and I can face the same event, yet will react differently - our thoughts shape our reality, not the other way around.Thats why most people suggest we think positively - it has become an oversimplified approach to make us feel better.Be positive can be terrible advice.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happines s, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreTelling someone whos sad or depressed that positive thoughts will change their mental state, can be detrimental. Similarly, being overly optimistic can blind our reality.Positive thinking is not what you think. We must embrace our whole self, not just the bright side.The color of your soulThe soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. - Marcus AureliusOur society loves black or white assessments - you are either an optimist or a pessimist.Labels are a heavy burden - we get stuck in one place, rather than exploring our possibilities. Our self is fluid. We all have positive or negative thoughts or positive and negative moments.Pretending to be always happy is harmful. We focus on one aspect and fail to see our blind spots. Labeling oneself as a negative person doesnt help either - we overplay our dramas and become victims of self-pity.Research shows that optimists perceive less stress because either they are better ab le to cope with adversity or because of their positive view. However, when facing severe challenges, optimists suffer a lower immune response than pessimists.Curiously, a strong belief in hope can make optimists think they can achieve anything they want to, just by trying hard. This perfectionist view can lead to unrealistic expectations - positive thinking cant make everything come true.We are not our thoughts, because they are always changing. Understanding our fluid nature is critical to continue growing - we are work in progress, not a finished product.Bad thoughts are harmful - they create more suffering. However, avoiding our negative emotions wont make them go away.The problem with optimismTheres nothing wrong with negative emotions. We all have them. They are a fundamental part of who we are - emotions express our basic intelligence and energy.Positivity is a fluid state, not a status. You are not either positive or negative. Overplaying one aspect is deceiving - you mu st embrace your entire self.In America, optimism has become almost like a cult, the social psychologist Aaron Sackett told Psychology Today. Or, as another American psychologist added, In this country, pessimism comes with a deep stigma.Optimism has become a pervasive dogma. Pessimism gets a bad rap, but positive thinking can be brutally enforced.Its gotten to the point where people really feel pressure to think and talk in an optimistic way, observes B. Cade Massey, a professor of organizational behavior.Masseys research shows that, when asked to forecast the outcomes of events such as a financial investment or a surgical procedure, people make overly optimistic predictions. And wish to be even more optimistic. Many of us have drunk the positivity Kool-Aid - We believe optimism is the solution for all our problems.Im not advocating in favor or against optimism, but to break free from labeling ourselves. A positive approach to life requires embracing both sides rather than living i n an exaggerated - positive or negative - fantasy.Happiness is a state of mind, not something we acquire. We spend more time contemplating whats missing in our lives rather than what we have. Thats why we suffer.You are what you think you areThe mind is everything. What you think you become. ? BuddhaConnecting to your emotions allows you to respond without reacting - you dont let judgments or preconceptions shape your behavior. Instead, you decide to explore and understand your emotions - you feed compassion and wisdom, not anger.Your thoughts define your reality.The problem with idealizing positive thinking is trying to hide the negativity within us. Bringing a positive spin to what happens is not enough. You must confront and accept all your emotions. And understand how they shape your version of reality.Theres a difference between our imagined experience in here and whats going on out there.As Domyo Burk said, For me, there is no reality out there, separate from my mind I wil l never be able to perceive a thing without the involvement of my mind. And what is the use of any reality out there that cant ever be perceived? In a sense, reality is born as we perceive it.That doesnt mean theres no objective reality. But that our reality lies in the intersection between an object (an event) and a subject (we).Buddhism has an interesting view of the relationship between positive mind states and reality. It acknowledges the effect of positive thinking on our subjective experience - Its more pleasant to feel relaxed than upset. If we consciously transform the way we relate to an experience, we can change its nature.Positive thinking is not doing something to make you feel better, but to stop fighting reality - both positive and negative.Change your reality with positive thinkingThe way we experience something is determined by what we think about it. Positive thinking is helpful. But it only works if you accept your entire reality, not just the bright side. Self-a cceptance is our foundation - we can build a stronger life.The Greek philosopher Epictetus realized this 2,000 years ago when he said, People are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things. When therefore we are hindered, or disturbed, or grieved, let us never attribute it to others, but to ourselves that is, to our own principles.Say a car cuts you off when you are driving on a highway. The driver was probably in a hurry and didnt notice you. It could have caused an accident. How would you react?Its normal to get upset or feel attacked - your own self-concern arises, and you want to fight back. Instead, you could try to take some emotional distance and avoid reacting. Imagine you are the driver who cut someone else off. Would you like the person to get mad at you or to be patient and forgiving?By putting ourselves in someone elses shoes, we avoid being taken by negativity. Empathy provides room for understanding reality rather th an reacting to it.Life is full of possibilities - you cant control what happens to you, but you can manage how you react.Albert Ellis, the father of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, discovered that how we react to an event is determined mainly by our view of the incident, not what happened. He believed that people dont just get upset but contribute to their upset-ness.Ellis said, Too many people are unaware that it is not outer events or circumstances that will create happiness rather, it is our perception of events and of ourselves that will create, or uncreate, positive emotions.Blaming never helps it just feeds negativity. Epictetus believed that those who are perfectly instructed would place blame neither on others nor on themselves. Being in charge of our life requires commanding our emotions.Let your destiny define your thoughtsThe mind is an interesting, powerful ally - mindfulness helps us become more familiar with ourselves.According to Thich Nhat Hanh, accepting our em otions is key to practice mindfulness correctly In mindfulness, one is not only restful and happy but alert and awake. Meditation is not evasion it is a serene encounter with reality.The Vietnamese monk and peace activist believes that many of us have the wrong idea about what happiness is. We think that we need to be positive all the time, but happiness is about being present. We appreciate the here and now.We all need stars to help us navigate our darkest nights. Your lifes purpose provides clarity, so you dont crash when navigating troubled waters. It helps your mind steer in the right direction. And reach your destiny.Your life purpose should define your thoughts, not the other way around.No matter how negative your reality, your purpose gives you the strength to keep moving forward. It provides a positive outlook. Your purpose brings meaning to your life. When you control your destiny, you control your thoughts.As Albert Ellis said, The best years of your life are the ones in w hich you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.The most meaningful purpose of life is to be helpful, not happy.People who are generous, who genuinely try to help others are more likely to succeed. Generosity doesnt empty but fills your tank. As Buddha said, Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.Having a positive approach to life doesnt mean being overly optimistic. We must become the best version of ourselves, not a fantasy. Our purpose is to do the best we can, given a set of circumstances and our current dispositions, as Isabelle Payette wrote here.Our life will always have both positive and negative experiences. We can choose to add more negativity. And create more suffering. Or we can accept life as is. Its on us to build our own heaven or hell.- - - Positive t hinking is not magical thinking - accepting our whole self makes us more self-reliant. Embracing your negative side will help you become more patient and tolerant. It makes it easier to see the good within you and others.Watch your thoughts because they become your destiny. Better indeed, watch your destiny, and your thoughts will help you get there.Gustavo Razzetti is a change instigator that helps organizations lead positive change. Author, Consultant, and Speaker on team building and cultural transformation.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Pitfall of Combination Resume Format
The Pitfall of Combination Resume Format While working in a particular position, you could have developed abilities it is possible to apply to a different area. Use the work title that the organization is using in the description. A well-written combination resume can be a highly effective tool for promoting a professional image and receiving a work interview. Broadly speaking, there are 3 distinct varieties of resumes which are well accepted in the business. Now you own a little issue. Because you wish to provide a lot of attention to both, you might not have much room left for different sections, including a resume summary, volunteer work, interests, etc.. As the foundation for the combination resume lies in a balance of information, it doesnt especially emphasize the work experience or education of the person, its therefore not widely advisable for students or entry-level applicants who may be more interested in the conventional student resume style or entry-level resume format. The hybrid format isnt an effective way for individuals without a work experience to break into a business. Have focus Employers and recruiters are searching for a speedy match. Resume template is very important to present your career a fast start in the work marketplace. Recruiters find the absolute fruchtwein value if they can understand your career progress and the way you have evolved as a professional. Its more important for recruiters to understand what you could do now. You should modify each resume that you send out depending on the work description. If youre smart enough to tailor your resume to the work description, it is easy to direct the eye of the recruiter to where you would like. Every job has to be limited to some qualification. Resume is necessary for the jobs in all fields. Choosing Good Combination Resume Format When youre using combination resume, summary block is among the most essential. Lets have a peek at combination resume sample. A co mbination resume sample gives examples of what things to put in each individual section that the candidate can use as a guide to make certain they make the the majority of the practical combination resume format. So, developing a combination resume would be problematic for you. You are soon going to realize that writing a powerful resume isnt as simple as you believe. Formatting your resume is a significant step in making a professional, readable resume. The format you select will be dependent on how much experience youve got and what sort of job which youre applying for. Thus, the combination format of resume writing is the ideal option for you in case you need to highlight certain abilities and experience whilst giving your complete educational and career history in a chronological sequence. What Is So Fascinating About Combination Resume Format? Building an expert combo resume is not quite as easy as it appears. Part of creating an effective resume is choose the best for mat to inform your private story. To assist you choose whats appropriate for you, lets look at the advantages and disadvantages of each resume format. Whatever skill you add have to be related to your field. Because your combo resume is intended to emphasize your skills, you want to start with an expert profile or qualifications summary. A combination resume emphasizes relevant abilities and accomplishments at the peak of your resume. It resume format would begin with a practical summary of your relevant qualifications, important skills, abilities and relevant experience. Well, luckily, theres a fairly straight forward way to figure out which resume format would work the very best for you. Now that you know the differences between the 3 major resume formats lets look at some real-world examples to find out how they look. When you format your resume you need to ensure your leave enough margin space to permit for printing. So, select your format wisely to be certain that you maximize your opportunity to accomplish your objectives Most resumes incorporate the next sections, even though the order depends upon the resume format you select. Picking the right resume format is able to help you make a professional presentation, but the content is likewise very important. As its anthroponym suggests, it combines the elements of the other two resume types. A combination layout has a lot of characteristics that will allow you to produce the desired impact. Even if you decide to use a combination resume template, it doesnt imply that you must stick to a rigid structure. If you discover that the chronological resume format is not functioning for you, it might be for any variety of reasons and you might be better suited to a combination resume layout to present your profile to prospective employers. Employers have only a brief time to check through your resume, which means that your formatting decisions should make information clear and simple to find. Irr espective of format, your resume should start with your name and contact information so employers can readily get in touch. Ensure all info is true. A number of the info is subjective.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A Secret Weapon for Excel Skills Resume
A Secret Weapon for Excel Skills Resume The Excel Skills Resume Game Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which you are able to learn. You probably have the proper computer abilities. Job-specific skills vary dependent on the position. For that reason, its important to continue to keep your skills current and educate yourself on the numerous tools that excel must provide basic and advanced. Dont say youve advanced Excel skills as that will mean unique things to various individuals. Whatever job youre going to be doing, you can be sure your Excel skills will be helpful. Excel skills are sometimes a terrific boost to your career. Get the Scoop on Excel Skills Resume Before Youre Too Late Additionally, it is going to supply you with a type of the resume you can utilize to make your personal. If one of these categories is an area where you excel, visit its precise page to learn how resume skills may be used to your benefit. Plus, it is going to help you show off your very best PC skills easily A simple online search will end in a huge volume of information concerning the way to create a resume, ways to design a resume, how to impress businesses. The very best approach is going to be to learn what is necessary for you So, having the ability to drive is most likely the top rated hard skill you have to have to do the job. By way of example, say youre applying for the job of dump truck driver. Perhaps your skill set is wholly different. Conditional Formatting is just one of the most well-known features of Excel. Excel is an extremely strong program employed by businesses all around the world. Microsoft Excel makes it a lot less difficult to interpret numbers and information that are necessary if you are going to be working in finance or accounting. Excel Skills Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone You will have to know all the most important keyboard shortcuts to help save time and build models as fast as possible. Apart from learning how to compose formulas and calculating things in excel, the main issue is in order to continue to keep your spreadsheet organized and present the results in a logical easy to comprehend manner. To make your spreadsheet simpler to understand, attempt to select one particular font and stay with it. Excel has various kinds of charts that may be employed to suit the requirement but most commonly used are bar and line charts which every accountant must understand how to do.
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